The Blog of Shelter Rock Student Ministries on Long Island, NY.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Peru Mission Day 7

This morning we had a few more students not feeling well - Chris, Noah, and Naomi F. By this writing they all seem to be doing better, praise God. We had breakfast at 8am followed by a time of some very deep and I believe healing sharing. This really set the tone for the day, and it was an honor to see the team really focussed and united in ministry, on this, our final day of formal ministry here in Peru. We led the church service here at the church we have been staying at. Adriana led, and Peter, Nathaniel, Claudia and I played music. We then did a couple of our dramas, and Natalie, Ben, Aaron, Vivian, Althea, Claudia, and Dane all shared their testimonies. I preached, and at the end we had a beautiful time of prayer. At lunch we took time to celebrate Mr. Bradley Spicher’s 15th birthday! This is one birthday I’m sure he’ll never forget. We ordered some delicious cakes and an apple pie from a local bakery, which, Matt Fraher has made his second home, always finding a good reason we need a bakery run. lol! After lunch we loaded the bus and drove 2 hours up the coast to minister at a small church that is just 3 months old. The people had set up on a basketball court adjacent to the church. We were so blessed as they ran a cable about 50 yards from someone’s home, and a guy spliced the cable and ran a lightbulb up through the hoop and dangled it over the podium so we could see. The team was superb tonight! We did all of our skits and dramas, and Peter, Elaine, Victoria, Taylor, Naomi M., Irene, Jacqueline, Kevin, Claire, and Steven all shared their testimonies. I preached, and then we were invited to the church where we were served sandwiches and coffee for dinner. I am so proud of these students! They have risen to the occasion and embraced the challenge. It hasn’t always been easy, but I can already see growth in them. Tomorrow we have our free day and will head downtown to do the tourist thing and go souvenir shopping. Then we will return, clean the church, load up, and head to the airport for our overnight flight home. Thank you for your continued prayers!

See all the pics! Album 1 click here. Album 2 click here.

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